Safeguarding is the first thing that will be looked at during an Ofsted inspection, and a school’s overall grade can only ever be as good as its safeguarding grade. What is Safeguarding in Schools? When technology suddenly became the mainstay of our education system, school leaders, teachers and parents alike were confronted with a plethora of new safeguarding worries and responsibilities. Regular short inspections of good schools will always report on safeguarding but, for all other S8 inspections, inspectors will not specifically report on it unless it is a specific focus of the inspection, as it would be, for example, in Ofsted review into sexual abuse in schools: terms of reference - and useful resources. The policies put in place by schools and colleges must work effectively to protect the children in their care. At a senior school it might also address stress management, sexual health and sexual responsibility. This does spill over into general health and safety and there should be people assigned to processes to ensure, for example, that there are no roof tiles likely to fall onto the playground, that water spillages and other slip hazards are dealt with, that branches aren’t likely to fall off the trees in a strong gale. Added a link to the guidance 'Coronavirus (COVID-19): safeguarding in schools, colleges and other providers'. ...Describe the roles of different agencies involved in safeguarding the welfare of children and young people; *** Answer submitted on Apr 7 2013 4:55PM *** Schools: Schools have the responsibility to develop childrens awareness and their knowledge of what is acceptable and what is not acceptable behaviour, including when using the internet. Neglect may occur during pregnancy, for example, as a result of maternal substance abuse. The primary school parent is confusing teaching style with pastoral care. Some school actually have a “balance week” when no homework is set on the understanding that pupils try a new a new activity. This risk assessment considers the needs of vulnerable pupils for safeguarding purposes to prepare for the wider reopening of schools. Passionate about safeguarding with a solid belief that all young people, regardless of their background and circumstances, have the right to an education that brings out the best in every one of them. Guide To Safeguarding Child Abuse 907 Words | 4 Pages. This document formed part of the continuity of learning ‘Stay Safe. Safeguarding and Child Protection training for all staff/adults working in school. The new Ofsted framework 1 that came into action in September, includes a 38-page document specifically on inspecting safeguarding 2 . They have regular contact with children and young people so are in a strong position to identify signs of abuse and neglect. One of the best examples of a school who is taking safeguarding appropriately seriously is Fairfield Primary School in Cumbria. Because it’s so high profile, the good news is that school staff are well trained in identifying and managing it. This policy should offer advice and have a recognised procedure for practitioners to follow in the case of suspected child abuse. The role provides safeguarding, child protection expertise and leadership throughout health and multiagency partnerships. Ben is eight years old. The proprietor of each independent school has legal responsibilities in the area of safeguarding. designated safeguarding lead (or deputy). Schools must have a policy about safeguarding children and this must adhere to current legislation. The designated safeguarding lead in school has ultimate lead responsibility for safeguarding and child protection. For nursery to Reception children there are minimum legal requirements to comply with; for under two years olds its 1 teaching assistant to 3 children, for two year olds its 1:4, for three year olds and over its 1:8 or 1:13 depending on the qualification of the teaching assistant, from Reception class its 1:30. Safeguarding is the starting point for pretty much any inspection, whether a full-blown Section 5 or a ‘short’ Section 8. In the event that Relational Schools becomes aware of a safeguarding concern, it is immediately brought to the attention of the Safeguarding lead who will then collaborate with Relational Schools as … It sets out the national requirements for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children under the age of 18, and applies to all schools, 6th-form colleges and further education colleges. For example, think about street lighting, car parks and what you can do to make these areas safer. This is known as the Single Central Record. Safeguarding – The proactive policies and procedures in place for the benefit of all children involved in our clubs and activities. For all education staff. This is why we strive to provide as many free safeguarding and training resources as we can. The school’s safeguarding arrangements are inspected by KHDA under the judgements for: The protection, care, guidance and support of students, and leadership and management. The DSL role can involve having to make difficult decisions about complex situations and vulnerable […] Options will then include: – managing any support for the child internally via the school’s or college’s own pastoral support processes – an early help assessment – a referral for statutory services. Schools can use this template to inform staff, parents and carers, volunteers and governors about the school's responsibilities for safeguarding children. They can also feel unlikely to be believed even if they do speak out. Your duty to protect children extends beyond the education setting, such as at home. Role of the designated safeguarding lead (including the identity of the designated safeguarding lead and any deputies). They are not specific to boarding schools, so we’ve outlined some of the key points of each. TDA 2. Some schools have mixed age classes for this very reason; a particular feature of Montessori schools. Personal and professional boundary setting should seamlessly flow through all interaction and intervention within the school. [ For example, safeguarding was good or outstanding in 85% of special schools and 81% of pupil referral units, compared with 77% of secondary schools and 75% of primary schools. Some schools appoint a tutor to each child, and that tutor stays with them throughout their school career. The pastoral care programme that can capture the input from all these different sets of eyes is one that works well. In a mixed age group children form a family type relationship. A record of those trained may be found in the Single Central Record. Safeguarding continues to be one of the most important issues in education. This is part of promoting good behaviour. It is not enough for schools or education settings to meet minimum standards in safeguarding, schools must show how they are going the extra mile to Children may experience abuse and neglect at any age and it may have a profound impact not only on their immediate safety and health but on their long-term development and wellbeing. He’s in his last year of school/sixth form. Three key elements include a clear safeguarding ethos, a policy that sets out clear expectations and processes, and high-quality training that ensures staff know what to do and do it consistently across the school. Safeguarding data won’t all be in your Single Central Register. In practice, Safeguarding is the policies and practices that schools and Governing Bodies employ to … Safeguarding Scenarios: What School Staff Need To Know ... For example, lunch time staff are more likely to witness cases of bullying on the playground, which is a common problem within schools. For pastoral care related to mental health, mental wellbeing and mindfulness, try this article. It was outstanding in 65% of nursery schools, 46% of special schools, 32% of pupil referral units, 19% of secondary schools and 15% of primary schools. A successful pastoral care programme means that your child is safe, happy, involved and able to perform to their potential. Role of the designated safeguarding lead (including the identity of the designated safeguarding lead and any deputies). Contains all the information you need regarding safeguarding issues relevant to school and college staff. Example Gigsworth Wellbeing Society is a drugs and alcohol service that spends a lot of time going into local schools. This policy is one of a series in the school’s integrated safeguarding portfolio . All staff should make sure that any decisions made are in the best interests of the child. The new guidance says that schools should obtain a written statement from the provider that they have completed all the vetting and barring checks that are necessary on their staff. It is a process and it takes up an incredible amount of time and energy. Act 1974, the Children's Act 1989 and by virtue of their contract of employment. They are another pair of eyes and can attend to a particular ability group within the class. Training for the Designated Safeguarding Lead As the pupil progresses through their school career they will have more lessons with teachers other than the form teacher. Three key elements include a clear safeguarding ethos, a policy that sets out clear expectations and processes, and high-quality training that ensures staff know what to do and do it consistently across the school. Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility Local authorities and schools are required to make arrangements to safeguard and promote the welfare of children. This guidance was originally published in May 2020 entitled Live-streaming safeguarding principles and practice for education practitioners during the COVID-19 outbreak when most practitioners were working from home. In this article, we link to examples of the statements that primary, secondary and special schools use to introduce their safeguarding policies and documents. One of the worst feelings a parent can have is that their child might suffer bullying, harassment and discrimination at school. Copies of policies and a copy of Part one of this document should be provided to staff at induction. Acknowledge the various elements of safeguarding that are related to school governance/functioning. Example Safeguarding Questions. The following forms, information and templates are designed to help you with recording safeguarding issues. Among other things, boarding staff need to be able to manage home sickness and provide care in loco parentis. It may constitute a safeguarding risk if: They’re experiencing abuse at home or are at risk of homelessness." Personal Social and Health Education is part of the National Curriculum. They might say pastoral care has something to do with sex education and policing social media. Safeguarding pupils, and protecting yourself from the risk of allegation, is a key professional priority. In England, the Department for Education (DfE) provides the key guidance on Keeping children safe in education(DfE, 2019a). Its marketing team was helping to create a website for school-age children to find out about the charity. . The Children Act 2004 delivers lawful foundations for professionals, practitioners and multi agencies like schools, health services and police to collaborate for the benefit of children and young people, irrespective of the child or young person being in a home, a school or … Safeguarding pupils in schools has been a cornerstone of educational practices for decades. These Practical Tips for Schools are based on work which examined outstanding safeguarding practice in primary schools. 5.3. In addition, the school has to ensure that appropriate measures are in place to identify child welfare and protection concerns, how to communicate to such children and how to refer to the appropriate agencies. They are also the main liaison with parents. safeguarding and protecting, and procedures for reporting e-safety bullying and cyber-bullying. All staff receive safeguarding and child protection training at induction in line with advice from Surrey Safeguarding Children Partnership which is regularly updated and receive safeguarding and child protection updates (for example, via email, e-bulletins, e-learning modules and staff meetings), as required, but at least annually; schools’ safeguarding arrangements when carrying out inspections. The purpose of the audit toolkit is to assist the safeguarding team in school (DSP, Headteacher and Child Protection Governor) in auditing record keeping systems so ensure that they support effective safeguarding practice. 1Identify the current legislation, guidelines, policies and procedures for safeguarding the welfare of children and young people including e-safety. The bad news is that it happens. Safeguarding report to governors. Safeguarding includes all the elements noted in the diagram and therefore looks at the child holistically and at the centre of decision making. Legal and Policy Context 3 - 1 4. Some schools run immunisation programmes and this would also fall into this safeguarding remit. The pupil, while aware of a broad network of people who can help her is perhaps unaware of the work of others that she sees on a more regular basis like her form tutor or house tutor. Example 3: Peer on Peer Physical Abuse Identified in a School Safeguarding is naturally a huge consideration for not only school leaders, but every employee at the school. Key Principles of Safeguarding and Child Protection 2 - 1 3. The House system is another pastoral care device. West Northamptonshire. Safeguarding procedures in schools. It provides an overview of what your organisation needs to do to meet the Standards, which have been revised since . Auditing safeguarding records: a toolkit for headteachers, DSLs and governors. 3 The designated safeguarding lead … Now, however, the ongoing issue of implementing safeguarding procedures is progressively complex in a landscape of digital platforms and online educational tools; students routinely view web content as part of research, learning and socialising. For pastoral care related to mental health, mental wellbeing and mindfulness, click here. People get noticed in small groups. A child centred and coordinated approach to safeguarding 1. Safeguarding Children and Schools A critical and evidence-based review of current and future child protection policy and practice. And so pastoral care has to be a series of policies, procedures and processes that work irrespective of personnel. Schools and associated bodies need to position themselves as reliable safe spaces where c… Summary Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs) are the members of staff in a school who have the lead responsibility for safeguarding and child protection, including responsibility for referring cases that meet threshold levels of concern on to Children’s Social Care (CSC). You should also consider any risks that may arise from the area around the venue. Ask the parents of a senior school starter what pastoral care is and they might say something different. safeguarding policies. DBS checks underpin robust Safeguarding within a school. safeguarding children. Following the launch of the government's investigation into peer-on-peer sexual abuse, Ofsted has published its terms of reference. A definition of safeguarding and child protection. In 2010, the then Department for Children, Schools and Families, published the statutory guidance, 'Safeguarding children and safer recruitment in education' (DCSF, 2010). Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is everyone's responsibility. These templates were updated on 29 th March 2021. The school follows the guidelines provided by The East Riding Safeguarding Children Partnership. Examples of safeguarding issues include bullying, radicalisation, sexual exploitation, grooming, allegations against staff, incidents of self-harm, forced marriage, and FGM. It could help them in several ways, for example: - To avoid dangerous, uncomfortable or illegal situations - To trust their own judgement To ensure the physical and emotional welfare of your child, the school will undertake a series of initiatives to safeguard your child and initiatives to promote your child’s wellbeing. At playtime he enjoys playing football with a group of ... Samantha. On any school tour, there’s so much to learn about the school’s pastoral care and a prospective parent should feel free to ask about these points. But ‘online’ is a relatively new – and constantly evolving – universe, and many of us feel less confident about safeguarding in this area. Ask a the parents of a junior school starter what pastoral care is. The Difference Between Safeguarding and Child Protection. There are many examples of safeguarding best practice in schools, all of which aim to protect children from maltreatment, protect their health and development, and ensure safe and effective care. The subject of child protection is so broad there are numerous examples of ways in which it protects children and young people. The following forms, information and templates are designed to help you with recording safeguarding issues. Whereas the potential dangers to children can be relatively easily identified and appropriate safeguarding measures established, promoting wellbeing is somewhat more nebulous and far reaching. Safeguarding in schools: what steps should schools be taking to address the recent allegations raised by Everyone’s Invited? Staff are assigned to it, a senior member of staff will be in charge of it, and governors are responsible for it too. Take a risk-based approach Model CP and Safeguarding Policy for Schools V10 2019/2020 P ubl i c We aim to work in partnership and have an important role in multi-agency safeguarding arrangements as set out by Working Together2018; That all Staff-/anyone who has contact with a childor young person including Governors and volunteers have a clear understandingregarding abuse and neglect in Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy 2020 Final Page 5 of 42 1st bullet point, (including online safety) added 2nd bullet point with new statement Zwill have the necessary knowledge and understanding to recognise possible children at risk of contextual and/or familial abuse or exploitation. I think it is in the interest of schools to be more explicit to parents about what their provision for pastoral care, and be proud of it. You can often see posters in schools referring to the school rules, golden rules or a code of conduct. It happens everywhere and for all sorts of reasons. If you suspect or confirm harm then it’s essential you know what actions to take. Statutory safeguarding guidance for schools is set out in Keeping Children Safe in Education, which all staff in education settings should be aware of. It is our willingness to work in a safe manner and challenge inappropriate behaviour that underpins this commitment. I'll send my articles to your inbox as soon as they're written. Types of abuse and neglect, and examples of safeguarding issues are described in paragraphs 42-51 of this guidance. The Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy is a vital document that every school should have. Yoga, meditation and mindfulness sessions are becoming popular. A statement that child protection forms part of the school’s safeguarding responsibilities. Does your school/college hire or lease any of the school facilities to any other organisation .

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