✓ He discourages gossip or other negative discourse at the workplace. ✓ He empathizes with others who have opposing viewpoints. ✓ He improved output/production by [x]%. He always performs his assignments through initiative without supervision. He is capable of handling a variety of assignments. ✓ He instills a sense of confidence in his coworkers and project team by encouraging an atmosphere of openness. ✓ He is an excellent member of our team. ✓ He uses sharp ideas and critical thinking ability to solve issues quickly. ✓ He balances the overall strategy of the organization with tactical day-to-day tasks. ✗ He typically thinks inside the box and is afraid to risk doing anything in a new way. ✓ He is able to quickly understand peoples personalities and relate to them well. ✓ He is able to successfully analyze a problem and find an appropriate resolution. ✓ He is an innovator at heart. ✓ He has a nice and gentle demeanor. ✗ He lacks communication at work and is reluctant to support or offer assistance to those that need it. He holds his staff accountable for their responsibilities. ✗ Management has noticed that he takes longer breaks than he is allotted. ✓ He gives frequent feedback to his staff members. Sometimes the employee might be a great worker and do great work, but their judgment is skewed or they don’t understand the impact of things in the organization over all. ✓ He does not need much direction from above. ✓ He supervises and care about the performance of his subordinates. His ability to quickly assess a problem and identify potential solutions is key to his excellent performance. ✓ He is a good manager and he leads his team to perform their assignments well. ✓ He works well with clients. ✓ He never fails to impress by performing well each day. ✓ His written communication is very good, however his verbal communication skills could be improved. ✓ He seeks feedback on the effectiveness of his written and oral communication. ✓ He is very punctual and values the time of her colleagues and business partners. ✗ He often isolates himself and does not take constructive criticism well. ✓ He never neglects any detail of any task given to him. This causes problems when an untested or unexamined idea is moved forward too quickly. Positive sample performance appraisal phrases are for employees meeting or exceeding expectations, while negative sample performance review phrases are for unsatisfactory or failure to meet expectations employees. That means when the time for employee evaluation rolls around, they need to hear from you on what they're doing well- … He crosses the line of the company’s corporate ethics. Is willing to entertain others ideas 3. ✓ He is highly regarded for his integrity both within and outside the company. “To win in the marketplace you must first win in the workplace.”. ✗ He talks excessively and this distracts himself and his colleagues. ✗ He does not satisfy our expectations because he lacks the necessary job knowledge. Accurately describing an employee’s abilities to maintain performance levels and set priorities helps the employee to shape goals after the appraisal process is complete. 360-Degree Performance Appraisal 360-degree feedback is popular in large, world-class organizations like Google and Microsoft. ✓ He stays calm whenever there are stressful circumstances. ✗ He is ineffective at setting achievable goals. ✗ He does not monitor and follow up on her teams progress and as a result nothing is accomplished. ✗ The quality of his work is unreliable. ✓ He is always honest and reliable when working with others. ✗ He does appreciate that happy team members can affect his own job performance and this makes those around him unpleasant. ✓ His knowledge of his job surpasses the required level. ✓ He consistently meets all/most deadlines. ✓ He is ready to make a new and carefully considered decision if the situation has changed and the previous actions have become inappropriate. ✓ His ability to work with and understand the dynamics of the many teams in the organization has been beneficial to the firm. Meaning of performance appraisal. ✓ He maintains an open attitude to change in order to successfully complete the job. ✓ His core strength is his ability to immediately connect with anyone. ✓ He seeks and takes on any new opportunity that might present itself. Exceeded production expectations on (x) goal set out at beginning of review period ✓ He asks insightful and probing questions. The main topics that are commonly discussed during the appraisal process are: Strengths and weaknesses. ✓ He shows sound judgement in critical decision making. 89 percent of employees would like it if their performance review feedback wasn't a surprise. ✓ He displays an effective cadence when working with clients on projects. The simple reason being that most managers find it difficult to complete these reviews in an effective manner. ✓ He provides constant coaching and guidance to employees. ✓ He is always responsible for his colleagues’ performance and effectiveness. ✓ He readily accepts constructive criticism. ✓ He keeps to his commitments and works with fellow employees to help them keep to theirs. We depend on him. ✓ He is sensitive and clear when delivering bad news. ✗ He should take part in more training opportunities and concentrate on them. ✓ His uncanny ability to connect with people is a great personality attribute in his role as a manager. The Assumptions Behind Performance Appraisal. ✗He does not excel at activities which require a high degree of flexibility. ✓ He is adept at discovering potential solutions for problems. He is uninterested in focusing on achieving performance goals. He should develop his troubleshooting ability and develop his career. What does performance appraisal mean? Has an employee performance plan that focus on results achieved, contain at least one element that is aligned with organizational goals, and are in place within 30 calendar days of the beginning of the appraisal period. Using the right improvement phrases, you can help your worker to become more productive. Ideally, these goals are specific, measurable, attainable and timely. This thought process leads to un-necessary friction between the managers and employees. ✓ He is an excellent manager and he knows how to lead his staff to satisfy his expectations. ✓ He is able to listen as effectively as well as talk. ✓ He maintains open communication among his employees. This unwillingness to offer assistance promotes a selfish work environment. ✗ He is creative but he has a tendency to act before thinking. PSS Employees - annual performance appraisals are created if their probationary period ends on or before April 30. Attitude performance appraisal phrases highlight how the employee has expressed himself and how he reacts to adverse situations. ✓ His cheerful attitude makes others feel good when he’s around. ✗ He needs to continue to improve his technical knowledge through training and self study. He resolves difficult situations in an amazing manner. ✓ He is friendly and open-minded so he creates good relationship with other team members. ✗ He cannot maintain relationships with his customers well. ✓ He demonstrates initiative consistent with job expectations to improve his performance. ✗ He is too hesitant to make a decision. ✗ He is unwilling to assume responsibilities outside of his job description. ✗ He is very reluctant to acknowledge his failures. ✗ He does not seem to be adaptable. ✓ He is very active in asking for the opinion of his team members before making a decision. ... Managers don't like giving appraisals, and employees don't like getting them. ✓ He is very adept at managing difficult employees and turning their energies towards higher performances. All regular full time staff is required to undergo a formal performance appraisal review, at least once per year. ✓ He enthusiastically comments about the method he is using to fulfill a task. ✓ She uses her knowledge of technology and innovates to avoid mistakes. ✗ He does not have ability to do even the easiest tasks and requires close supervision. It takes too much working time. Although the review for the problematic employee can write themselves, writers block can occur when trying to find constructive feedback for a performance review for high performers. He is late to class frequently and sometimes does not take part at all. ✓ He tries to find an individual approach to each person, colleague and customer. ✓ He is reliable and there are no concerns with his attendance. See more ideas about employee performance review, performance reviews, how to motivate employees. ✓ He shows a potentially excellent level knowledge about the job requirements and related skills. ✓ He pays strong attention to his work. ✓ His positive attitude and willingness to share his positive thoughts on any situation is highly appreciated. He maintains an incredible posture and focuses on the positives when solving problems. ✗ He needs to work on being more resourceful on tasks and projects. ✗ He fails to alert the proper personnel regarding bad news. ✗ He does not exchange class concepts to with colleagues though she still joins the training sessions. He judges the right performance level from his group when doing their tasks. ✓ He brings a level of enthusiasm to his job that few can. ✗ Since being promoted to supervisor, he has been “too busy” to assist his employees when they need an extra set of hands to help. ✓ He is courteous and acknowledges the contributions of others. ✓ He always finds opportunities to take part in specialized training sessions. ✓ He is always the first to understand new rules, upgraded software and equipment and adjust to the changes. ✗ He has cost the company customers and money because of his disingenuous behavior. Sharlyn Lauby. ✓ He does everything possible to maintain a strong and steady performance in all circumstances. ✓ He is cheerful guy and always people feel delighted to be around him. ✗ He sends mixed signals to his team regarding goals and day-to-day activities. ✗ He often works in an unprofessional manner. ✓ His good attitude towards clients makes them use the company’s service again and recommend it to others. ✓ He submits paperwork related to his job accurately and on time. ✓ He is very good at communicating and everybody appreciates his good behavior with others. ✓ He requires minimal supervision. ✗ He seems to shrink when he’s around others and does not cultivate good relations with his coworkers. ✗ He fails to make short-lists of solutions recommended by direct units. ✗ He is unwilling to work any overtime at all beyond his contracted 40-hour working week. ✓ He is one of our hardest workers. ✗ He should communicate project status updates more frequently. ✓ He positively influences the behavior of other employees. Reviews of employee performance are important for attitude development, proper communication, improving employee motivation, organizational targets, and ensuring that positive relations are maintained between the employees and the management. ✗ His experience and knowledge doesn’t reflect that listed in his application. ✓ He has a deep knowledge of the products and particular characteristics of the company’s products. An employee performance review, also known as a performance evaluation or performance appraisal, is a formal assessment of an employee's work in a given time period. A performance appraisal module gives companies a centralized location to store, analyze, and track changes in their employee performance from year to year and across appraisal periods. Performance appraisal is a critical HR process yet often yields unnerving experience for both employees and their supervisors. While it’s definitely important to personalize each review for the particular employee, that doesn’t mean you can’t benefit from a handy appraisal comments bank to help you get started and then tailor the comments!. Regularly gives constructive feedback 2. ✓ He contributes to a positive work environment through his interactions with others. ✗ He commonly fails to consider all the facts before making a decision. ✗ He often tries to offset responsibility onto others. ✓ He is always the first person thoroughly understand and take on the new technology well. Ignores behavioral / performance concerns that need correction and professional development training. ✗ He struggles to work out a solution to any difficult problem. ✗ He has a tendency to be irked over minor things. ✗ We need people who are willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done. ✓ He begins each day fully refreshed and prepared for any challenges. Ability to improve oneself allows employees to master new skills and systematically increase their performance. His complaints build resentment within his team. ✓ He constantly identifies more efficient ways of doing business. ✗ He fails to manage his staff to gain effective performance. ✗ He does not assist his teammates as required. He does not know how to perform this task. ✗ He does not usually innovate and when he does, it is reluctantly. ✗ He does care about the creative side of her team and always ignores the innovate employees reporting to him. ✓ He is a careful person. The lack of information means staff do not know what should do. ✓ He encourages his teammates to create ideas which have form and provide more creative solutions. ✗ He is a good supervisor, but he is not expert in this field. ✓ He encourages coworkers to be inventive. ✗ He seems more intent on accomplishing his own tasks rather than assisting others who might need help. ✓ He ensures that his staff comply with their scheduled breaks and lunchtimes. ✓ He is ready to improve and develop necessary skills to make his job more effective. ✗ He needs to speak up more when faced with concerns. ✗ He is continually late for work. ✗ He blames others for problems too often. ✗ He is a good supervisor, but he has failed at managing his staff to high productivity. He deals with difficult situations with incredible posture, and focuses on the positives. ✓ He quickly adapts to changes in the performance of his duties. Questions – that’s what separates an effective performance review from an ineffective one. ✗ He rarely shows any recognition to his team. Challenges successfully performing employees with He also takes on additional tasks. ✓ He is the go-to person if the task absolutely must be completed by a given time. He readily cooperates with his team members to get the job done. ✗ He does not pay attention when others are talking and frequently asks silly questions. ✗ He is unable to separate his work and personal life. ✓ He is fully aware of and acknowledges the importance of quality in his work. ✗ He lacks the excellence and skills detailed in his application. ✗ He is a good supervisor but he is not expert in this field. ✓ He builds trust and works with integrity. He should learn to accept a reasonable work-personal life balance. If it needs to to completed, he will finish it. It is essential that management carefully choose the right performance review phrases while communicating them to employees. ✓ He helps coworkers with their tasks even if they are outside his direct responsibility. ✓ He artfully helps customers overcome objections. ✓ He deals with difficult demands from clients and customers in a way that leaves everyone satisfied. ✗ He demonstrates a desire to avoid working with others. ✗ He uses inappropriate language with customers. ✗ He needs to work on being able to think outside of the box. He didn’t focus on coordinating them toward one common goal. Employees generally want to understand their employer’s expectations and to have a manager who speaks with them about their progress, encourages their … ✓ He is considered as the best person in the group because of his innovative ideas, critical goals and effective working methods. ✗ He has good knowledge of business, but he fails to properly communicate with other technical members of his team. ✗ He demands reliability from others, but not from himself. ✗ He thinks that the tools provided to him are not necessary and he does not use them. ✗ His work frequently fails to pass inspection. ✓ He behaves in ways designed to keep problems impersonal whenever possible. In this section of the employee evaluation, you’re reviewing the employee’s attitude on the job, dealing with customers, co-workers, managers, and his employees. ✗ He consistently takes a rigid and practical, stance about things without thinking how she could creatively solve a problem. ✓ He has good attendance and is reliable. ✗ He holds too many meetings. ✗ He has a tendency to blame others for problems or poor results. ✗ He overlooks or underestimates problems until they become major issues. ✓ He actively seeks out problems that require the most creative thinking. ✗ He consistently provides a new angle or way of thinking about things. Jan 8, 2021 - Explore Emily Richards's board "Employee performance review" on Pinterest. ✓ He is an excellent team member. ✗ He has show several recent lapses in integrity. ✗ He is focused on himself and does not think about the needs of those around him. Performance reviews are an important feature in any organization since it determines the future growth of an employee. Below are some meaningful positive and negative feedback phrases … ✗ He is reliable when it suits him, he constantly needs to be reminded to do tasks he does not enjoy. ✓ He aligns his goals with those of the company. ✓ He provides accurate and timely information both orally and written. His leadership has contributed to very high productivity from this department. • Harry completes the most challenging tasks first. ✓ He provides sufficient information on guidance and feedback to his team. ✗ He fails to explain procedures to his subordinates clearly. ✗ His employees abuse his willingness to allow them to work from home in case of necessity. He needs to deal with customers efficiently. ✗ He fails to show a frequent appreciation of his subordinates’ performance. ✓ He gets on well with other people easily. ✓ He clearly communicates objectives, and what is expected from them to his team members. He seems to always be in survival mode without focusing on the goals necessary to move his team forward. ✓ He shares expertise with others, to teach as well as achieve goals. ✓ He creates an atmosphere in which creativity and innovation is both rewarded and encouraged. Performance Improvement Plan Timeframe: Identify the specific period of time the employee is being given an opportunity to demonstrate acceptable performance. Setup reminders if you want your team members to receive automatic reminders when their reports are due. ✓ He is the ideal employee who arrives to work and leaves on time. ✓ He has a high level of professional knowledge of his job. ✗ He does not always listen to his customers well. ✗ He stops listening when presented with an opposing viewpoint. ✓ He treats confidential material with the appropriate care. ✓ He is a gem and knows the value of time. ✗ He does not meet the attendance standards for punctuality. He has a thorough knowledge of the customer’s world and is able to anticipate customer’s requests. ✗ He is rigid and unwilling to adapt when presented with new information. His demeanor is rude and unfriendly. You did an excellent job collaborating with [person/department] to [result]. ✗ He does not know how to manage his time and he cannot satisfy deadlines of projects again and again. ✗ He displays a negative outlook at times which may be damaging to the team. ✗ He would benefit from reigning in goals and vision to something more achievable. ✓ He consistently makes error-free products. He has a gift in relating to people around him. ✗ He plays favorites and does not treat each member of the team equally. ✓ He is always open to receiving feedback on his work. ✓ He demonstrates how providing excellent customer service has a lasting effect on customer relationships and customer retention. ✓ He always applies new knowledge to his work and keeps up with changes in his field. Each of the categories includes at least eight different phrase options to properly identify the employee's performance. ✓ He is able to analyze any problem and find the best solution to any problem. ✓ He is always ready to take over new tasks whenever needed. ✗ He doesn’t spend enough time reviewing his work before handing it in as complete. ✓ He can quickly build a positive relationship with people and understand how to relate to them. You can take away all of the paperwork and quickly and easily see some serious results. ✓ He has a soothing personality which reflects a very calm personality. ✗ He does not listen to directions and repeatedly asks management to repeat themselves. ✗ He has a tendency to play favorites and not treat all employees fairly. ✓ He responds to telephone and e-mail messages within four hours. ✗ He does not demonstrate sufficient competency in the basic concepts of his role. ✓ He is a servant-leader, who is always willing to help his team. He never ignores any detail of his work. ✗ He understands how to handle difficult employees and manage difficult staff. ✓ He is ready to work extra hours if urgent and essential issues must be solved by the end of the day. ✓ He adapts his communication methods to respond to different audiences. Here are some phrases that may apply to an employee’s adaptability: “Willingly adjusts their schedule to be available when needed” “Quickly adapts to changes in the performance of required duties” “Responds well to change in various situations” ✓ He listens to, and promptly follows all directions. ✓ He encourages feedback from his customers. He always finds solutions for problems on time. ✗ He does not assist others when they need it. You bring [valuable skill/trait] to our team, and your contributions don’t go unnoticed. ✗ He is unable to find out a solution when facing a complicated situation. Effective performance review tips need to be kept in mind while drafting a proper appraisal. ✓ He accepts constructive criticism positively. Each method of performance appraisal has its strengths and weaknesses may be suitable for one organisation and non-suitable for another one. ✓ He builds solidarity between his team members to enhance team spirit. ✗ He has exceeded the maximum number of vacation days allotted. ✓ He congratulates staff on jobs well done. ✗ He relies on others in heated situations. Doing this can encourage autonomy, and drive personal development . ✓ Has excellent communication skills. ✗ He is more suitable to an individual-focused environment than a group-work environment. ✗ The products produced by him have an unacceptably high defect level. A performance review is a formal regulated feedback mechanism in which managers and other key stakeholders assess an employee’s work performance.

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