Curr Med Chem. Accessibility Bookshelf Surgery may be necessary for individuals with severe cataracts. (18) and Staals et al. government site. This review dsecribes the clinical spectrum of a newly identified disorder related to COL4A1 gene mutations. In addition to porencephaly there can be other forms of damage to the brain present at birth. Yet, as for all COL4A1 mutations, no specific treatment is currently available, and, due to the variable penetrance, adapted follow-up is challenging. (2009) 73:187382. doi: If we dont have a program for you now, please continue to check back with us. Gould Syndrome Foundation (COL4a1/COL4A2) seeks to educate the community on the rare disease COL4A1 and it's subcategorical diagnosis'. HANAC syndrome is characterized by angiopathy, which is a disorder of the blood vessels. This condition causes mutations in genes that produce a specific type of collagen. III-3 was asymptomatic but for severe hypermetropia and bilateral cataracts., For information about clinical trials sponsored by private sources, contact: Other patients have been reported with cysts on the liver, irregular heartbeats (supraventricular arrhythmia), and Raynaud phenomenon, which is in which the fingers or toes become numb or have a prickly sensation in response to cold due to narrowing of blood vessels. In the human genome, there are 46 chromosomes. MedlinePlus also links to health information from non-government Web sites. COL4A1 Syndrome CADASIL COL4A1 mutations are responsible for a wide range of abnormalities affecting mainly the brain and the retinal vasculature, the anterior and posterior ocular structures and the renal glomerules. doi: 10.1002/ana.23736, 4. Exome sequencing in 32 patients with anophthalmia/microphthalmia and developmental eye defects. The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. COL4A1 -related brain small-vessel disease is characterized by weakening of the blood vessels in the brain. Neurol. Some individuals do not have any observable symptoms (asymptomatic); others can develop severe, even life-threatening complications. Affected individuals may have no observable symptoms or only isolated migraines with aura. II-2 had a limp since childhood attributed to forceps delivery. Mice with Col4a1 and Col4a2 gene mutations have pathology in many organs and the presence and severity of pathology in a given organ appears to depend on the location of the mutation, genetic context, and environmental interactions. People listened to us and to Zeeva in a very different and proactive way. Mutations in the COL4A1 gene cause HANAC syndrome. Suggestive evidence for linkage to chromosome 13qter for autosomal dominant type 1 porencephaly. The expanding phenotype of COL4A1 and COL4A2 mutations: clinical data on 13 newly identified families and a review of the literature. COL4A1 mutations are responsible for a wide range of abnormalities affecting mainly the brain and the retinal vasculature, the anterior and posterior ocular structures and the renal glomerules. Porencephaly refers to the formation of fluid-filled cysts or cavities within of the brain. Available at: Accessed January 28, 2019. There are no standardized treatment protocols or guidelines for affected individuals. Axenfeld-Rieger anomaly is associated with various other eye abnormalities, including underdevelopment and eventual tearing of the colored part of the eye (iris), and a pupil that is not in the center of the eye. Cerebrovascular disease related to COL4A1 mutations in HANAC syndrome. All patients suffering from HANAC syndrome display retinal arteriolar tortuosity and occasional retinal hemorrhages. Suite 500 The non-working gene can be inherited from either parent or can be the result of a mutated (changed) gene in the affected individual (called sporadic or de novo). Available online at: (accessed March 20, 2020). Plaisier E, Chen Z, Gekeler F, Benhassine S, Dahan K, Marro B, Alamowitch S, Any muscle may be affected, and cramps usually last from a few seconds to a few minutes, although in some cases they can last for several hours. How can gene variants affect health and development? At 1 month of age, a neuropediatric examination disclosed normal neck muscle tonus, normal Moro reflex, bilateral placing reaction, and open hands. However, it is also very likely that basement membrane defects also contribute to abnormal signaling and function of cells that form blood vessels in the brain and elsewhere. Raynaud phenomenon is typically triggered by changes in temperature and usually causes no long term damage. Epub 2014 Jan 5. The limitations include the limited number of tested members (only two generations) due to a large family spread over Europe and not fully accessible. During CT scanning, a computer and x-rays are used to create a film showing cross-sectional images of certain tissue structures. Subsequently, it has been recognized that autosomal dominant COL4A1 and COL4A2 mutations cause a broad spectrum of cerebrovascular disease, whose onset occurs from fetal life onward and whose severity may range from small-vessel disease to fatal intraparenchymal hemorrhage.,, While epilepsy is known to be a clinical feature of porencephaly, the National Center for Biotechnology Information. COL4A1 encodes type IV collagen 1 chain, a crucial component of nearly all basement membrane including vasculature, renal glomerule and ocular structures. The X and Y chromosomes are called the sex chromosomes and the rest all are called 'autosomes'. The size and location of cerebral cavities contributes to clinical variability. Gould Syndrome is a rare, genetic, multi-system disorder. Fax: 203-263-9938, Washington, DC Office The ultimate goal of IAMRARE is to unite patients and research communities in the improvement of care and drug development. What is the prognosis of a genetic condition? Together, these studies suggest that certain unknown variants of COL4A1 and COL4A2 might contribute to chronic vascular dysfunction. Migraines can occur with or without aura. Coupry I, Sibon I, Mortemousque B, Rouanet F, Mine M GC. doi: 10.1212/01.WNL.0000123113.46672.68, 25. This can occur if the carrier is a mosaic which means that some cells carry the mutation while other cells do not. Various treatments have been reported in the medical literature as part of single case reports or small series of patients. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1707914, 6. 2022 May 27;13:827165. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2022.827165. The signs and symptoms can manifest at almost any age from before birth to old age. 1A-B). (2018) 91:e207888. The team may eventually include pediatric neurologists (diagnose and treat disorders of the brain, nerves and nervous system in children); ophthalmologists (who specialize in eye disorders) hematologists (who specialize in blood disorders); cardiologists (who specialize in heart disorders, nephrologists (who specialize in kidney disorders) and other healthcare professionals may need to systematically and comprehensively plan treatment. small vessel disease: a systematic review. She had seizures every day, couldnt gain weight, sleep right, or generally enjoy her life. The disorder causes many symptoms, not the least of which are strokes and epilepsy. can also contribute. J Neurol Sci. doi: 10.1111/cge.12379, 13. COL4A1 and COL4A2 mutations and disease: insights into pathogenic mechanisms and potential therapeutic targets. She has regular physical, speech, and occupational therapy. To better define pathology caused by Col4a1 mutations, we characterized myopathy in two different Col4a1 mutant mouse strainsCol4a1 ex41 and Col4a1 G394V.We selected these strains from an allelic series of Col4a1 mutant mice because they showed the most severe myopathy according to NPN quantification in quadriceps while having different effects on [1(IV)] 2 2(IV) secretion. Additional features include poor or absent speech development, facial paralysis (paresis), involuntary muscle spasms (spasticity) that result in slow, stiff, rigid movements, visual field defects, and hydrocephalus, a condition in which accumulation of excessive cerebrospinal fluid in the skull causes pressure on the tissues of the brain, resulting in a variety of symptoms. His bedside manner was incredible. Internet. Seattle, WA: University of Washington, Seattle; 1993-. Summary: (2011) 42:13. Similar blood vessel weakness and breakage occurs in the eyes of some affected individuals. These proteins have very restricted expression and Alport Syndrome primarily affects the kidneys with variable involvement of the eye and cochlea (hearing). percent confident in Dr. Madsen and the epilepsy team. When our 8-year-old daughter, Zeeva, giggles and runs in her walker to the swing set, its like watching pure childhood joy. It is important to discuss these concepts with a genetic counselor and understand their implications. Rarely, new mutations in the gene occur in people with no history of the disorder in their family. mutation in Axenfeld-Rieger anomaly with leukoencephalopathy and stroke. cuts under the microscope. Rare disorders often go misdiagnosed or undiagnosed, making it difficult to determine their true frequency in the general population. The type IV collagens are encoded by six different genes (COL4A1, COL4A2, COL4A3, COL4A4, COL4A5 and COL4A6). doi: 10.1136/jmg.2005.035584, 15. 2022 Oct 26;7(44):39680-39689. doi: 10.1021/acsomega.2c03360. IV-5Brain MRI revealing porencephalic cyst of frontal horn of lateral right ventricle (C). 2010 Aug;41(8):e513-8. (2014) 83:122834. Vilain C, Van Regemorter N, Verloes A, David P, Van Bogaert P. Neuroimaging fails to identify asymptomatic carriers of familial porencephaly. Neurology. What does it mean to have a COL4A1 gene mutation: The COL4A1 gene provides instructions for making one component of type IV collagen, which is a flexible protein important in the structure of many. We described the phenotype associated to a likely pathogenic variant of the COL4A1 gene (c.2228G>T, p.Gly743Val) responsible for severe hypermetropia and familial porencephaly. At least six affected families have been described in the scientific literature. came with risks and was the hardest decision we had ever faced, yet we felt 100 NORD is a registered 501(c)(3) charity organization. Treatment trials will be critical to determine the long-term safety and effectiveness of specific medications and treatments for individuals with COL4A1/A2-related disorders. CADASIL is an acronym that stands for: (C)erebral relating to the brain (A)utosomal (D)ominant a form of inheritance in which one copy of an abnormal gene is necessary for the development of a disorder (A)rteriopathy disease of the arteries (blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart) (S)ubcortical relating to specific areas of the brain supplied by deep small arteries (I)nfarcts tissue loss in the brain caused by lack of blood flow to the brain, which occurs when circulation through the small arteries is severely reduced or interrupted (L)eukoencephalopathy lesions in the brain white matter caused by the disease and observed on MRI. Muscle cramps experienced by most people with HANAC syndrome typically begin in early childhood. In: Pagon RA, Bird TD, Dolan CR, et al., GeneReviews. How can gene variants affect health and development? The pathogenic mechanisms of COL4A1 mutations are not fully elucidated and may vary according to the mutation type, the affected exon (mutations responsible for systemic HANAC syndrome cluster at exon 24 and 25), the position of the mutation within the triple-helix domain, and the mutation location. Clinically, COL4A1 mutations are responsible for different overlapping phenotypes including porencephaly (24), brain small vessel disease (2, 57) with or without ocular anomalies, HANAC (13) (hereditary angiopathy with nephropathy, aneurysms, and muscle cramps) syndrome, ophthalmological abnormalities (912), and non-syndromic autosomal dominant congenital cataracts (10). The age of onset, severity, specific symptoms and disease progression varies greatly from one person to another, even among members of the same family. In addition to the effects of a clear COL4A1 or COL4A2 mutation, large genetic studies reported associations for COL4A1/A2 with intracranial aneurysms, myocardial infarction, arterial calcification, arterial stiffness, deep intracerebral hemorrhages, lacunar ischemic stroke, reduced white matter volume and vascular leukoencephalopathy. Gould Syndrome is an ultra rare genetic, multi-system disorder. Stroke subtype, vascular risk factors, and total MRI brain small-vessel disease burden. COL4A1 -related brain small-vessel disease is part of a group of conditions called the COL4A1 -related disorders. For example, Type I collagen mutations cause Osteogenesis Imperfecta (brittle bone disease), Type II collagen mutations cause chondrodysplasias (defects of cartilage) and mutations in Type III collagen cause a form of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. 2009;73:1873-1882., Mao, M, Alavi MV, Labelle-Dumais, C, Gould DB. Six alpha chains of type IV. ClinVar; [VCV000389182.3]. basement membranes surrounding the body's blood vessels, Genetic Testing Registry: Angiopathy, hereditary, with nephropathy, aneurysms, and muscle cramps, National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD), ANGIOPATHY, HEREDITARY, WITH NEPHROPATHY, ANEURYSMS, AND MUSCLE CRAMPS. Gunda B, Mine M, Kovcs T, Hornyk C, Bereczki D, Vrallyay G, Rudas G, Audrezet MP, Tournier-Lasserve E. J Neurol. Role of COL4A1 in basement-membrane integrity and cerebral small-vessel disease. Please enable it to take advantage of the complete set of features! doi: 10.2214/ajr.149.2.351, 19. The variability and severity of symptoms is significant and how COL4A1/A2-related disorders will potentially affect an individual can be unique. Cavalin M, Mine M, Philbert M, et al. Schwarz JM, Cooper DN, Schuelke M, Seelow D. Mutationtaster2: Mutation prediction for the deep-sequencing age. doi: 10.1038/gim.2014.210, 3. These aneurysms have the potential to burst, causing bleeding within the brain (hemorrhagic stroke). Berg R, Aleck A, Kaplan A. Familial porencephaly. Aneurysms are bulges or enlargements of a blood vessel caused by weakening of the wall of the blood vessel. J Genet Couns. See our, Hereditary angiopathy with nephropathy, aneurysms, and muscle cramps syndrome, URL of this page: He would separate the two halves of her brain by All individuals with this condition have arteries that twist and turn abnormally within the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eyes (arterial retinal tortuosity). Going from having seizures every day for six years to having no seizures is nothing short of a miracle. Phenotypic spectrum of COL4A1 mutations: porencephaly to schizencephaly. She, then, developed seizures which were controlled by valproic acid. Not only did Dr. Madsen, help heal Zeevas brain, but he was instrumental in supporting us as we founded the Gould Syndrome Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit that promotes education, advocacy, and medical advancements in Gould Syndrome, COL4A1/COL4A2 diseases. The COL4A2 test was negative. The outcomes are highly variable ranging from brain hemorrhage before birth (in utero) leading to cavities in the brain (porencephaly) to mild age-related brain abnormalities that can only be observed on a specialized x-ray called magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Recent findings: Arterial retinal tortuosity can cause episodes of bleeding within the eye following any minor trauma to the eye, leading to temporary vision loss. Jeanne M, Gould DB. The risk of passing the non-working gene from an affected parent to an offspring is 50% for each pregnancy. Suite 310 HANAC syndrome is caused by genetic changes in the COL4A1 gene. Common variation in COL4A1/COL4A2 is associated with sporadic cerebral small vessel disease. doi: 10.1186/s12881-014-0097-2, 11. Affected infants and children can exhibit delays in reaching developmental milestones and varying degrees of intellectual disability. Neurology. It affects mainly young adults, children and more typically neonates. After a normal neonatal period, those affected develop a rapidly progressive course involving irritability, hyperaesthesia, visual and hearing loss, severe cognitive and motor deterioration, and seizures. Pathology. COL4A1/A2-related disorders are rare, genetic, multi-system disorders. Neurovascular Alterations in Vascular Dementia: Emphasis on Risk Factors. COL4A1-related brain small-vessel disease is part of a group of conditions called the COL4A1-related disorders. COL4A1 is an essential component for basal membrane stability and exon mutations of COL4A1 gene mutations are responsible for a broad spectrum of systemic manifestations characterized by small vessel involvement of variable severity, including neurological (1) [porencephaly (24), hemorrhage (2, 57) and aneurysms (8)], ophthalmological (912) (retinal artery tortuosity, Axenfeld Rieger anomalies, cataracts, and severe hypermetropia), renal (13) (renal cysts, and microscopic hematuria), and systemic (13) findings (cramps with a high creatine kinase level [CK], Raynaud's phenomenon, and arrhythmias). Zeevas brain to treat a cyst in her brain caused by porencephaly. This page is currently unavailable. These protein networks are the main components of basement membranes, which are thin sheet-like structures that separate and support cells in many tissues. Bull Acad Natl Med. eCollection 2022. Research in mice with Col4a1 mutations suggests that the position of the mutation is very important. (2014) 15:16. Gould DB, Phalan FC, Breedveld GJ, Van Mil SE, Smith RS, Schimenti JC, et al. In her first six years of life, Zeeva spent hundreds of nights in the hospital, had 13 operations and countless procedures, (from eye surgeries to Achilles heel, a shunt placed in her brain, and spine surgery). IV-3 had a left hemisphere porencephalic cyst and the lack of evidence of a left corticospinal tract on tractography (Figures 3E,F), IV-5 had a porencephalic cyst on the right lateral ventricle (Figure 3C), and III-3 had leukoencephalopathy (Figure 3D). The degree of mosaicism is highly variable ranging from only a small percent of cells with the mutation to nearly all cells carrying the mutation and depends on the stage during development that the mutation occurred. Here, we report a patient with schizencephaly, detected by fetal ultrasonography and fetal magnetic resonance imaging, with a de novo novel mutation in COL4A1 (c.2645_2646delinsAA, p.Gly882Glu). Several factors including the small number of identified cases, the lack of large clinical studies, and the possibility of other genes or factors influencing the disorder make it challenging to develop a complete picture of associated symptoms and prognosis. He was confident this would reduce or stop the Developmental defects to the front of the eye, which also includes the ocular drainage structures between the iris and cornea, can lead to increased pressure in the eye (elevated intraocular pressure, or IOP). Individuals with high blood pressure (hypertension) must receive appropriate therapy because of the increased risk of stroke.
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